Workshop USERS - The annual workshop of the CNRS International Research Network

The annual workshop of the CNRS International Research Network USERS (Urban Science and Engineering for Resilience and Sustainability), USERS-2022, will be held from May 30th till June 1st at the Aix-Marseille School of Engineering on the Campus of Luminy. 

The following topics will be covered:

- urban climate (UHI, storms, floods, particulate or gaseous pollution...) and new urban forms

- urban mobility (environmental impact, types of mobility, etc.)

- public health in urban areas (chronic respiratory/infectious diseases, water, etc.)

- the materials of the urban environment (soils, clays, cements, concretes, wood, geopolymers...) and the effort to reduce their carbon footprint and integrate new functionalities

- from sensor networks in urban areas to urban digital twins, etc.

- econometrics, LCA,… urban solutions

- participation of city dwellers in policy-making

The workshop will be an opportunity to present the future CNRS research federation COMPLEX-Cities and to discuss the PEPR program supported by the French government's recovery plan "Sustainable cities and innovative buildings".


You can reach the following zoom link:

that you can also distribute to your collaborators.

For those of you who wish to attend in person and meet our speakers, please contact Laetitia Legoupil at and Roland Pellenq ( for the lunch count.


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